Monday, July 3, 2023

What is Male Hypogonadism and How It Is Treated at Alabama Men’s Clinic



Male hypogonadism refers to a condition when the body of the patient doesn't produce an adequate amount of testosterone, a key hormone playing the most vital role in the growth and development of masculine characters and regulating their sexual life. One can take birth with male hypogonadism due to problems in the mother, or it can grow in later life due to different causes including infection to injury. Males with hypogonadism during their visits to facilities like Alabama Men’s Clinic, are reporting fatigue, development of breasts called gynecomastia, low libido, and lack of energy among others, and seek solutions to get rid of their conditions.    


According to the experts, early detection of hypogonadism is the key to recovery from it for both boys and adults. Because, for boys, it can be helpful to experience possible problems caused by delayed puberty. On the other hand, early diagnosis and treatment in adults let them enjoy mannish life that manifests with muscle mass, solid bones, facial and body hairs as well as sexual life.

·         The diagnosis phase begins with a physical exam to evaluate one’s growth of sexual characteristics including muscle mass, pubic hair, and size of testes depending on the age.

·         A blood test is done to check the testosterone level in the blood. Its imbalance or lower-than-normal amount of the hormone confirms hypogonadism. The test is typically organized before 10 am since testosterone levels vary and is found at the highest level in the early morning.

·         If it is found that the person possesses low testosterone, a further physical examination is administered to verify if any testicular disorder or pituitary gland irregularity is its underlying cause.

·         The physician also checks the medical history to find if any other reason is there. The studies generally include hormone testing, semen analysis, genetic background studies, pituitary imaging, and testicular biopsy among others.


In general, male hypogonadism treatment involves testosterone replacement to help the sufferers get back their testosterone counts to normal the normal level. For elderly men with low testosterone due to aging, the merits of testosterone replacement are generally less evident as per experts of Alabama Men’s Clinic.

Types Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Low testosterone (male hypogonadism) is treated with TRT in different forms as stated below:

Testosterone skin gels: Available in a variety of brands, testosterone gels is among the most popular form of treating Low-T in the US. The gel needs to be rubbed on different body parts as directed. It should be fully absorbed by the skin. Physical contact with another individual should be avoided immediately after its use.

Testosterone injections: Depending on the severity, the frequency of this muscle injection is determined by the provider. This is also an effective way of balancing testosterone levels.

Testosterone patches: The patches are required to be applied every day on the skin as directed.

Testosterone pellets: A specialized practitioner implants pellets under the skin every 3-6 six months.

Buccal tablets: applying these sticky pills to the gums twice daily helps absorb testosterone bloodstream via the gums.

Nasal Gel: The nasal testosterone needs to be applied into each nostril 3 times daily. 

Oral testosterone: The pills for testosterone is particularly used for people having damaged pituitary gland.

On completion of the treatment, the physicians of well-known facilities like Alabama Men’s Clinic evaluate the effectiveness of the treatments and their side effects if anything occurs on a routine basis for the first year of treatment, and thereby suggest annual check-ups.


Author: verified_user